As more and more businesses are working towards becoming more eco-friendly, they’re also finding that “going green” is also saving them some “green” as well!
Greener practices within businesses actually leave more money for you to invest back into your business in other ways like hiring more employees or investing in proper training materials. But it also comes with other benefits as well like having a decluttered environment, which then gives way for clearing your mind to focus on the most important tasks at hand.
With all the benefits a business receives just for being environmentally conscious, it’s pretty safe to say that “going green” is good for business. Take a look at some of the top ways you can “green up” your business and make more money while being eco-friendly.
Green Practices That are Good For Eco-friendly Business
Switch to Renewable Energy For Electricity
Because you’re running a business, that means that your electric bill will be considerably higher than an average household bill, being that you’ll be powering an entire office with computers, lights, printers, phones, etc. To use that much electricity means that a lot of fossil fuels will need to be burned to power your business, and that’s just not good for the environment.
So what can you do? Well, if you have local solar farms near your office, you can sign up at to power your office with renewable energy. This will not only “let there be light” in your office but you’ll have electricity generated by the sun, not from burning coal. Plus, this will save you a ton on the company’s utility bill!
Go Paperless
We live in a digital era, so whether you’re an entrepreneur or an intrepreneur, going paperless is going to be accommodating to everyone. If you think about it, do you really need paper? For certain things, maybe, but even when power outages occur, most businesses have systems in place like cloud management systems to save all their important data in the event an outage does happen.
There may be certain things that you indeed do need hard copies of, and that’s fine, but even if you simply reduce your paper usage that will help tremendously. And make sure you have a recycling receptacle to dispose of the paper you no longer need.
Use Natural Decor
Instead of cramming your office with dust-collecting trinkets, consider decorating the office with plants and placing them near windows. This will not only give the office a fresh look but will also clean the air in the office and suck up all the carbon dioxide and replace it with oxygen.
Install Water Dispensing Systems
Throughout the day, everyone gets a little parched and needs to grab a swig of water from time to time. Most companies will provide their employees with water bottles, but instead of providing them with water bottles, provide them with water dispensing systems and encourage them to bring their own reusable water bottles. This will prevent you from spending ridiculous amounts of money on plastic water bottles and prevent the environment from being polluted.